Delivery Information

Once you place an order, we work diligently to get it ready for dispatch. Processing times can range from 3 to 15 business days, depending on the current volume of orders and any ongoing promotions.

The estimated delivery time varies by product and will be specified on the product’s page or its packaging to give you a clear idea of when to expect your order.

If you notice a defect that is covered under warranty, please contact our support team within the warranty period along with your purchase receipt. We will assess the product to determine if it qualifies under our warranty terms.

We address valid warranty claims through repair or replacement at our discretion. If the original item is no longer available, we may provide a substitute of equal or greater value. The warranty period from the initial purchase remains applicable for any repairs or replacements.

  • Normal wear and tear
  • Damage due to misuse, whether accidental or intentional
  • Problems resulting from unauthorized modifications or repairs
  • Non-compliance with provided maintenance instructions
  • External incidents such as accidents or natural disasters

Please ensure that your shipping details are accurate to prevent delivery delays. Double-check all information at checkout.

If shipments are returned due to incorrect contact details or if you are not available to receive them, we will reach out to arrange another delivery attempt, which may involve additional charges.

Certain products may be subject to shipping restrictions due to their nature or the destination. We will inform you of any such restrictions and offer alternative options if available.

For further information on our shipping policies or if you need assistance, please contact our customer support at [email protected]. We are dedicated to delivering your order accurately and on schedule.